5. IBM Tivoli FlashCopy Manager Installation

Section 3 & 4 have shown how to prepare your host & storage for the Tivoli FlashCopy Manager Installation. This section cover IBM Tivoli FlashCopy Manager Installation. After obtaining your software either by a CD shipped by IBM or by downloading it from IBM Passport Advantage follow the below steps to install IBM Tivoli FlashCopy Manager on the SQL Server you want to protect. The installation procedure for a clustered & standalone SQL Servers are very similar, the differences will be noted in the procedure below. Though in a clustered environment, you will have to repeat the procedure below for each node in the cluster. Follow the below procedure to Install Tivoli FlashCopy Manager:

a. Double Click the Installer “Tivoli FlashCopy Manager CZ8VRML.exe”


b.  Choose the installation destination folder


c.  Wait the software extract to finish, which can take up to few minutes depending on your hardware configuration.


d. Choose Setup Language

e.  On the requirements installation screen hit Install to start the pre-requisite installations.


f.  Wait for the pre-requiste installations to finish.

g. After the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Installation complete you will be prompted to restart the server. Hit yes to accept to restart the server.


h. After restarting the server, the setup resume by asking about the setup language. Choose English & hit OK to continue with the installation.


i. Hit Install to complete the installation of the FCM prerequisites.


j.  Hit Next on the Tivoli FlashCopy Manager Installation Wizard


k. Accept the license agreement & hit next.


l. Choose the Installation Destination Directory & hit next.


m. Hit Install to begin the installation


n. Hit finish at the Installation Complete Page.


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